
Jitsi meet api
Jitsi meet api

Our jicofo config config: _SERVICE_ADDRESS=conference.m. It looks like headers are passed through correctly. We have tried like this also by sending separately two headers X-Room-Name and X-Jitsi-Auth-Token and we are still seeing same error. # to the XMPP server, you can set the following properties.# If you want jigasi to perform authenticated login instead of anonymous login.#.acc.USE_TRANSLATOR_IN_CONFERENCE=true.# can be enabled to disable audio mixing and use translator, jigasi will act as jvb, just forward every ssrc stream it receives.#Used when outgoing calls are used in multidomain environment, used to detect subdomains.# Or you can use bosh for the connection establishment by specifing the URL to use.You had configured to use bosh for that connection right? jitsi/jigasi/blob/afc7d60fe38b027d735eff7da9634fe4eec580a1/jigasi-home/sip-communicator.properties#L159 Just to be sure we are on the same page here, we are trying to implement to send all user details via jwt not just room name and our jwt format is like below : Looks like its not picking up from the token and it sees whole jwt token as room name ? : Could not obtain responseĪt .awaitResponse(ApacheHTTPResponse.java:251)Īt .getBody(ApacheHTTPResponse.java:192)Īt .processExchange(BOSHClient.java:1123) 22:45:29.798 WARNING: .callConnectionClosedOnErrorListener() Connection XMPPBOSHConnection (1) closed with error 22:45:29.798 WARNING: .XMPPBOSHConnection.shutdown() shutdownĪt .send(BOSHClient.java:494)Īt .disconnect(BOSHClient.java:586)Īt .disconnect(BOSHClient.java:567)Īt .XMPPBOSHConnection.shutdown(XMPPBOSHConnection.java:266)Īt .XMPPBOSHConnection.notif圜onnectionError(XMPPBOSHConnection.java:417)Īt .XMPPBOSHConnection$nnectionEvent(XMPPBOSHConnection.java:464)Īt .fireConnectionClosedOnError(BOSHClient.java:1684)Īt .dispose(BOSHClient.java:713)Īt .processExchange(BOSHClient.java:1138)Īt .processMessages(BOSHClient.java:999)Īt .access$300(BOSHClient.java:100)Īt $n(BOSHClient.java:1728) Starting JVB conference room: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJtLmRldisomethingiJqaXRzaSIsInJvbGVzIjoidXNlciIsImNvbnRleHQiOnsidXNlciI6eyJuYW1lIjoiSXN0dmFuIEFsZmVsZGkiLCJpZCI6InVzZXIzIn0sImdyb3somethingOiJjNzRkM2IzOTQ1Nzg0MWE2YTdiZGY1MjJhMWU2Mjk0OXdlYnh0ZWFtIn0.5RMBjvEmbNMz9Mann1VH6v3rzLfVbpvCHhBtRoLbbjk 22:55:28.567 INFO: .incomingCallReceived().216 Incoming call received… 22:55:19.909 WARNING: .SipHealthPeriodicChecker.log() No health check started, no HEALTH_CHECK_SIP_URI prop. 22:55:19.867 INFO: .CallControlMucActivator.joinCommonRoom().286 Joining call control room: 22:55:19.905 INFO: .registrationStateChanged().120 REG STATE CHANGE ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl( → RegistrationStateChangeEvent 22:55:19.664 INFO: .registrationStateChanged().120 REG STATE CHANGE ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl( → RegistrationStateChangeEvent I also tried adding token and jwt parameter to the bosh pattern url but with no success.

jitsi meet api

However i try i am always getting the same error below :

Jitsi meet api